Step 5: Transfer Samples To Lab
(Digital Chain-of-Custody)
Transfer Samples to the Lab with Digital Chain-of-Custody
We will teach you how to complete and send the digital chain-of-custody to the Laboratory (For labs using the D-COC).
Digital Chain-of-Custody Printed as Paper COC (if needed)
We will teach you how to complete and send the digital chain-of-custody and, if needed, print a paper chain-of-custody for use with non-participating labs.
Printing Cooler Custody Seals
The SampleServe has a unique feature in that it prints a custody seal with the project information on it and the correct number of coolers involved with the shipment being sent to the laboratory.
Sharing the D-COC Information
The collected field data and the D-COC are immediately shareable from the mobile device as both a CSV and as a PDF. We will demonstrate how that is done.
Sharing Field Data and Custom Form Information
The collected field data and any custom forms data is immediately shareable from the mobile device as both a CSV and as a PDF. We will demonstrate how that is done.