Step 2: Project Setup
In this step, the goal is to create individual project(s). The primary objective in this step is to get all the historical information loaded for the project. Information like sample locations, well construction details (if any), historical field data, historical lab data, site maps, and other images like cross-sections, etc... We will then locate the sample locations/monitoring wells on each of those maps and/or images.
Starting A New Project
If you haven't already done so (previously covered in Step 1) you will enter basic site information (name of the project, address, etc..) about the project.

Upload Sample Locations/Well Construction Data
Sample locations and/or well construction details and information can be entered either individually one at a time, or via a bulk “drag and drop” upload feature.

Upload Sample Location Photos (optional)
You can upload existing photos of sample locations or monitoring wells that you may have, if any (not required). Please note that photos taken with the mobile field app will automatically upload to the correct project and sample location/monitoring well indicated on the mobile field app.

Add Maps/Images to Your Project
You can upload an unlimited number of base maps, cross-section images, aerial photographs, and other types of graphics that you want to present and/or map your sampling data on. Please note you can have multiple copies of the same image and show different data on each image. For instance, you may want one image to represent upper aquifer monitoring well locations and a copy of that same image represent lower aquifer monitoring while locations, or any combination thereof.

Locate Sample Location on your Maps/Images
After you've uploaded your sample locations and your maps and images; you'll want to place each sample locations on the new map or image. Once created, you will not have to do this again unless you add a new sample location or monitoring well.

Generating a Satellite Map from GPS Coordinates
If you don’t have a base map, we have created the ability to generate a satellite map/image from sample location GPS coordinates.

Uploading Lab Data
We've created the ability for you to upload your historical laboratory data fairly simply. If you have historical lab data for your project, feel free to upload all of your data. There is no charge to upload historical lab data.

Upload Historical Field Data
We've created the ability for you to upload your historical field data in a very simple fashion. If you have historical field data for your project, feel free to upload all of your data. There is no charge to upload historical field data.

Selecting or Adding Your Lab
If you have a preferred lab already selected, we will show you how to select your lab or add your lab if they are not already added. Laboratory participation is not required. All lab chain-of-custodies can be turned into paper documents quickly and easily. Labs not currently participating simply do manual data entry from the paper documents as they always do. At minimum, having the lab participate so that you can select from their lab analytical parameter menu is helpful. Feel free to invite your selected lab and remind them that lab participation is free.

Step 3